An Ode to a Story-teller

Deepti Sharma posted under PenMuse-16 Poetry on 2020-02-19

She scrambled herself off the riverbed, With the puny ghost of a limping thought, that sacred water would lazily tread, ravines of today with a tender fraught. Tailgating the daze of an urban clot, She yanks out her spent yet infantile heart, for squinting deadlines and shifting plot, home-works, her hearth and a grocery cart. Months usher and the frozen days depart Twilight sky resembles a looking glass Story-tellers turtles rabbits, they dart. Inhale... exhale, this moment too shall pass. Well, orchids are rare, rose is all she wants, Frail child will survive, while verity daunts! __________ __________ Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!