…And the show goes on

"The End” flashed on the 70 mm screen. Suddenly, the theatre became agog, as though it had come out from its deep slumber.
“Munni is asleep, carry her…”
“Don’t forget to pick up her shoes, and I told you to get one size smaller….”
“Madam, wait, don’t you see, the exit door is packed…. What’s this pushing…”
The dim lights and the blank, white screen looked dull and uninviting. All eyes were glued to the screen a moment back in anticipation, excitement, and curiosity. Now, suddenly, everyone was in a hurry to exit.
The thrill and relief as the film came to an end was enigmatic. The movie was well-received. The film wrote its success story in the audience's mind.
The excited voices of the audience faded as they rushed out of the theatre with the same gusto with which they had thronged the entrance gate a few hours ago. All the commotion died gradually. The cinema hall wore a deserted look. The Projector room, the corridors, the canteen, the snack counter, and the lounge looked dejected.
The cushioned seats were puffed with empty chip packets, soft drink cans and biscuit wrappers. Bisleri, Aqua Fina's empty bottles, crushed mercilessly as the audience hurriedly walked towards the exit gate, lay there defeated. The floor was messy- strewn with litter.
Was this the hall that promised an enthralling evening? Was this the same floor that sparkled in the warmth of the dim lights a few hours back?
The engrossing three- hours flew by in a jiffy! The crunchy chips and the crispy Samosas, the Thumbs Up and the Mountain Dew, the platters were empty in no time. Ah! Those tasty bites. The more, the better.
But the end is pre-destined. Everything comes to an end.
So did the movie and the hustle and bustle that pulsated in the theatre end.
Raj Kapor, the Showman, himself had said - ‘Khali Khali kursi hai, khali- khali dera hai…..’ (the empty chairs and the deserted tent…)
Beginning and End, Growth and decay, life and death are universal truths: inescapable, undeniable, stark facts. One has to swallow these like bitter pills.
The lively, joyous movie-goers left the cinema hall without a qualm. The purpose of the visit was served, and going back to their cosy homes was natural, wasn’t it?
“Where are Shambu and Nathu? What about Radha, Ganga and Kaveri? kaamchor clan…. (people who dodge work).
“The hall has to be cleaned before the next show. How inefficient the supervisor is! Can’t rely on anyone….” The manager beckoned the security, “Bholu, tell the supervisor to get the theatre ready for the next show.”
The hurried footsteps of the cleaners marked the beginning of a show that would usher in a new batch of audience, a fresh outlook, and a refreshing change.
The grating sound of the brooms seemed to revive the charm of the otherwise silent hall.
The show goes on. The saga continues.
Fresh samosas, new cans, sparkling biscuit wrappers...
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