And, They Healed!

I get embraced by a cold gust of wind and my flaky companions splatter all over me. That’s Pavan in his squally form visiting a little early today. I take a deep breath and feel energised. The chilling gales soughing through my vast expanse regenerates my soul.
Surya, my dearest amigo has gracefully ascended over the horizons. I’ve always adored his heavenly siesta, punctuated by a waxing or a waning Chandra and the way he majestically rises every morning keeping his promise of a new beginning. I can see him now in all his glory and feel his fierce loyalty towards the planet I’m also a humble resident of.
The regions surrounding me have woken up to another merry morning. But, they appear different. As I ponder over the reason behind those sparsely inhabited roads visible from this vantage point, infinite thoughts buzz around me inquisitively. Pavan seems to gauge my thoughts and descend on me in a flurry, displaying a bout of eagerness to resolve anticipated queries.
I seize the opportunity. Pavan bustles over me more vibrantly than ever before.
“Hey Pavan, you seem different! And, I tend to revel more in your freshness!” I call out.
“Dear Giri, the magnificent Himalayan peak, you’re right. I feel so lithe and relaxed,” he replies with an inscrutable smile.
“Marvellous. I’m all ears for the stories you carry, Pavan. Please go ahead. I wonder why the free-spirited zephyr wants to keep me in the dark,” I coax him.
“The world’s under siege, Giri. There’s a micro-organism on the prowl, viciously affecting people on its way. Humans claim it’s a virus and have given it a name too. The infection has spread so much that almost the entire human race is confined indoors.”
“God, that’s quite a story that you’ve enlightened me with, Pavan. Is that why I’ve hardly seen any human for days together?” I ask thoughtfully.
“Yes. With their fast-paced lives put on pause and with no man-made pollution affecting the environment we breathe in, dear Mother Nature has begun her journey of rejuvenation. In fact, that’s why I feel so light and supple. More importantly, you, my mate, are making news today. The humans all over the country are talking about you.” Pavan smiled and whooshed past me roughly.
“Yes, with no foggy pollutants weighing down on the ecosystem, you’re visible even from towns miles away. It’s been more than three decades since you were last seen from so afar. Nature has wielded her magic wand, I tell you.”
“Ah! Now I understand. That solves the puzzle.”
“People are taking photos of you so enthusiastically. If truth be told, they seem different too. Their faces are half-covered and they are obsessed with hygiene. Safety measures, possibly.”
“That’s great news you’ve brought me in a century, Pavan. Let’s rejoice until it lasts. I hope the humans start treating Mother Nature with a lot more care and love, atleast from now on!”
Pavan whistles cheerfully, acknowledging his mighty friend’s words.
Pavan – (Sanskrit) – wind, breeze
Surya – (Sanskrit) – The Sun
Chandra – (Sanskrit) – The Moon
Giri – (Sanskrit) – Mountain
Author’s Note:-
During the initial days of lockdown in India (Lockdown21) in March-April 2020, when COVID cases were steeply on the rise, it was noted that the mighty Himalayan peaks were visible from towns in Punjab, some 200kms away. The terrible smog, that had polluted the atmosphere for so long, had cleared. This only shows how we human beings, knowingly or unknowingly, tend to pollute our surrounding so much. In whatever capacity possible, let’s do our bit to protect and save our environment. Let’s hope to make the planet a better place for the budding generations.
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