
Shailaja Pai posted under PenMuse-09 Poetry on 2019-07-11

Furious eyes blaze like scalding steel Lips spew fire, tempers are raised, Turmoil and rage plunder and steal Sanity of mind, close bonds are razed. Like a careless spark on fallen leaves Ignited by reckless words, not too kind, Fuelled by ego, cool reason leaves  Mad wildfire burns scars of every kind. Raging, red flames fly left and right Burn holes in hearts bring tears in eyes, They care not who’s wrong and who is right Neither water can douse them, nor rain of ice. When the flicker of anger tries to peek Through patience thin as a flimsy veil, Quell it, for if the inferno does peak Only ashes will hear your remorseful wail. _________________ _________________