Animosity or Love

Rashi Goel posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-06 on 2019-02-15

She found her favourite hat. Rincy couldn't help but cry seeing her sister's hat. She used to always snatch that hat from her and say it's hers. She used to think that their Mumma loves her sister more than her. "Plz go away, my Mumma is mine, not yours." But today, Rincy couldn't refrain herself from sobbing right in the middle of the garden. Even though, they used to fight on even the silliest things, she never in her dreams gave a thought that she will loose her some day. Rincy hugged the hat tighter and started looking for more clues. She saw a couple sitting behind. She enquired them but they seem weird. She could faintly see an old lady with a stick heading towards a locked door. The sun was setting in. She got more scared. This reminded her of a scary door in her books before, how the old grany gives chocolates, attracts kids inside and all the bad things happen one after another. Even though her mom always taught her to be fearless, seeing the same wooden door nearby gave her goosebumps. She somehow gathered courage and knocked. No one responded. She stepped back and knocked again. She could hear someone but couldn't make out Who. She quietly turned around and rushed to her mom in despair. Inspite of being a single mother of twin daughters, Renu always tried to be with her twins as much as she could. She worked in a private firm dealing with house loans. She would never escape from thinking about her girls while at work. But today, she was at home with Bincy's picture in one hand and phone receiver in the other; doing phone calls one after another trying to figure out where is Bincy. But she wasn't getting any relief from either. She was lost since three days Suddenly Rincy entered the house screaming, "Mom I have found this hat in the garden where we used to play everyday." "Please come with me, lets go." "I think I found her". Contrary to her expectation, her mom didn't pay heed to what she has to say. She grabbed her coat and shouted once more, "Mumma, plz come". She shoulded louder, still no response. Inspite of her constantly pulling, she couldn't move her mother an inch.  "Why is mom not moving?", she heard Bincy screaming. “What! “Rincy had tightly grabbed Bincy's pants while they were sleeping. “Alas! was it a nightmare?”. Rincy opened up her eyes and hugged her sister tightly for the very first time. Bincy was awe-struck in bewilderment. "I am really sorry for treating you so badly these six years. I love you so much and I can't think of being away from you." Rincy kept sobbing. Just then Renu enters to wake her girls up and starts laughing aloud, "Rincy must have seen some dream it seems". "Yes Mom and now onwards we both will never fight and be like best friends forever". _____________________ For more of such content follow us on Social Media: