Sabitri Kakima stood near the bare threshold of her house and many of the old houses near her house in the 4/ 13 Pratapaditya lane , just a couple prior to the Durga Puja ,during the early hours of the dawn. She walked around her lane and noticed that the Threshhold of every house lay bare or were covered with patches of artificial stickers . None of the houses displayed the traditional ‘ Alpona ‘.
A year ago , this sixty five year old lady had shifted to Kolkata after she was detected with breast cancer. She started living in this grand two_ storeyed house in south Kolkata. Everytime she went out for her chemotherapy sessions , she would look at the bare threshold and her heart would miss a beat . For it was ideal for drawing her favourite designs in the form of ‘ Alpona’. She decided to step beyond her threshold. She woke up around 4.30 am on the following day to begin this ritual.
“ Ki holo Kakima aapni eto bhor Bela aei dalan e hotat alpona dite kano boshlen?( “What happened Aunty ? Why did you wake up so early to sit on this Threshold and paint the Alpona.”)
Jharna , the young caretaker, who looked after Sabitri Kakima, asked her with curious eyes, while entering inside the Threshold.
“ Jhorna aaj theke Pujo shuru hovar kodin aage obdi bhabhchi je aei diker kota barir dalan e boshe kota aalpona debo. Pujor aag diye Bari gulo shundor kore na sajale moreover bhalo lagena.”( Jhorna ,I am planning to go around each house in the neighbourhood and make ‘ Alponas’ on their thresholds a few days prior to the Durga Puja. Sans these decorations, there will be no festive vibes)
After saying this, Sabitri Kakima continued making the ‘Alpona ‘ on her threshold and from that day onwards she stepped out of her threshold with Jhorna , a container of paints and brushes. Within a couple of days , she was happy that she had been successfully able to create ‘ Alponas ‘ on the stairs and Thresholds of almost fourteen houses in the Pratapaditya Road and Kali Krishna Tagore Street.
Sabitri Kakima's Brother , Narendra heard about his sister’s new found interest and encouraged her by telling her that they should be able to cover fifty houses in South Kolkata that year and create Alponas as ‘ Ameteur Artist’ . For it did not give a good feeling , if people restricted to pasting stickers on their threshold/ ‘ Dalan’ or leave it bare during the festivals .
That was just the beginning of Sabitri Kakima’s meaningful journey beyond the threshold. She and her brother, Narendra have continued this passion since that year. They look forward to the arrival of Puja. For the next year they wish to create fifty more’ Alponas‘ covering the thresholds of the houses of North Kolkata too.
Glossary _ Alpona = A kind of decoration made traditionally with rice flour slurry or in the modern times made with white and red paints to decorate the Threshhold of the houses displayed in Bengali homes during festivals and Puja.
Note _ This story is based on a true story of Ratnsbala Ghosh , a retired school teacher in Kolkata. She goes around 50 houses in North and South Kolkata and creates ‘ Alponas ‘ on strangers Thresholds before Diwali .