Beyond the Reel

There it was again. @vagabound had graced her latest reel with a standout comment.
It was the first comment on her video, posted exactly forty-nine seconds after the live reel.
“This is just like my mother makes it.” In the sea of superficial compliments about her looks and lascivious mentions about her see-through dress, the statement shone conspicuously for what it didn’t contain – no pronouncement on her appearance or figure.
@vagabound was the only one of millions of her Instagram followers to comment on the sumptuous vegetable khichdi she had prepared the previous night — a whimsical inclusion in the video.
The pattern had persisted for the last six months, though she couldn’t ascertain how long the handle was following her – her follower count was too extensive for that.
She had first noticed @vagabound for his comment, “Blue sea with clear blue sky is good company.” That was the first comment on a viral reel featuring her in a striking red bikini. Intrigued, only to find that it led to a locked private account adorned with a captivating profile picture.
@vagabound’s presence had been a regular feature in the comments section of her daily posts since.
Usually, followers commenting so frequently inundated her with DMs. She was trolled for not replying to them. But @vagabound’s messages were never there, much to her disappointment.
She bit her lower lip, sat upright on the bed and followed the mysterious handle back. That should entice @vagabound to DM.
Closing her eyes, she mulled making the first move. Move? Is that what every ping is? She chided herself for sounding like her lecherous followers. @vagabound’s comments streamed before her eyes. What the hell??
She opened her eyes, scrolled through her Insta feed and pinged the subject in her mind.
“Hello,” her fingers typed. “Was the culinary offering the only thing from my last reel that caught your eye?”
“Hi,” came the instant reply. “No. But you wouldn’t have noticed me had I mentioned you.”
She caught her breath. That was right. “Thank you for following me.” She pressed send before she knew it. Shit! That was stupid.
“I had to. Couldn’t help it since the first time I saw your reel.”
Her heart raced and sank simultaneously. Was @vagabound also one of those promiscuous followers?
“I love you,” the message continued, “and want to meet you. If you are ok.”
She couldn’t believe her eyes. “You love me? A porn starlet?”
“Will you meet me? Knowing I am a woman?” @vagabound countered with a question of her own.
She closed her eyes. The world went blank. Her mind reeled with the weight of the hidden truth. Coming out of the closet would hit her influencer brand.
The shrill notification cut through her reverie.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked,” the message read, accompanied by a sad emoji. “Carry on.” The ensuing smiley melted her heart.
“When and where?” She asked, pushing her apprehensions aside. It was time to start a new life.