Biting the Bullet

Aghast at askance to abort my unborn,
Betraying a life to shun ownership,
Cold deceit in treacherous garb,
Don’t make reasons to abandon.
Edgy nerves do rock my boat,
Forgetting not that ravening wolf,
Gyrating, searching another prey,
Hiding in cloak perfidy.
Ingrained with my jewel of love,
Joyance of passionate longing,
Kaleidoscopic glints of frozen time,
Lapis lazuli of my womb, you remain.
Meandering in anguished thoughts,
Nine months warmth embalms them all,
Oh! My baby! You churn and roll in me,
Prophecy of moon silver days ahead.
Quitting thorns won’t fetch roses,
Road ahead with million hopes,
Shards of shipwreck sunk in sea,
Turbulence will only steel resolve.
Umbilical swells & smiles in pride,
Victorious are those who dare odds,
Will stand tall with hands sans blood,
Xena mommy, awaiting lily white.
Yield I did to soul’s sage sermons,
Zeal to give life a chance to survive.
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