Blessing For The New Age

Sharda Mishra posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-37 on 2022-01-22

Another night had fallen on the quiet street, but the stars were glowing. The guests had left after the party, and the hall was dark and stilled; the only source of illumination was the moonlight streaming through the window.  A shadowy, threesome figure made their way, and their footsteps echoed in the almost empty room.  “Is all this folderol imperative?” asked one figure. “She's a newbie. Will she remember any of this?” “It’s about the parents,” another said. “They put on a good show to express that they didn’t skimp on the splendor and ceremonies. Parents are afraid of slipping up and slighting one of us, you remember… after what happened to Her.” “They should dispense with the traditional ceremonies,” the third figure said. “Maybe throw a good celebratory brunch for needy children instead. They sure would bestow blessings on the newbie.” “Now shush….We’ll wake everyone up.”  “They’ll get used to being woken up at all odd hours very soon,” the second figure quipped. The third figure gently blew on the keyholes and the door swung open. As they entered the room, their contour fell on the wall behind them, and shadows flapped along their backs, like wings, dispersing a soft glow in the room. “Oh look, she’s awake!” Watching the figures with her wide eyes, the baby lay on her back in her crib. She giggled and tried to touch the figures with her chubby fingers. The figures clapped their hands, quietly. “Well, ready ladies? Who’ll go first?” “I will,” the first figure said, pulling out a slender wand from her pocket. She tapped the crib’s edge. The wand lit up — glowing blue. “I bless you with the spirit, so that like a winner you could meet life's challenges head on, and this world never dampens your light.” The second figure came next. She spread her hands over the crib, palms down, “I bless you with opportunities, so that you could open all the doors — easy and difficult.” With a sad smile she paused, “I’ll try to be there for all the help you need, ‘coz’ the world is often unfair. The third figure gazed down at the baby, who was already glowing with all the blessings bestowed upon her. “Let’s make it an occasion…” She swept her hands up and the ceiling magically disappeared, revealing the gleaming bunch of stars embedded in the night sky above. “I bless you with curiosity, my love,” she whispered. “May you find joy in unveiling new questions and its answers, and may the pursuit of both drive you forward in life. Their blessing given, their duties done, the figures stood in silence. The newbie looked happy, as the stars above her glittered. “We’ve more newbies to see before the morning sun shines,” the figures said. The newbie child pulled herself up against the crib bars. She stretched her hands up towards the stars, as if she knew that with just a little more effort, she could reach them. _ Note: Splurging on lavish parties at child birth and weddings had never made sense to me. The society puts so much pressure on the hosts that at times people go into debts to manage the party expenses. It’s immoral and unnecessary. The money could be used in a more constructive way. Rather support the child, the bride and bestow blessing to them for their upcoming future. This is my humble approach to express my hearty feelings.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!