“Wield the sword, my son! The fiddle is for imbecile commoners.” King Renfred's voice bellowed. He was a war-monger.
“Father! Swords get stained with blood whereas music heals.” Nele, all of sixteen, finally mustered the courage to speak up.
“In that case, live with the commoners. Out!”
With a heavy heart, Nele left the palace and marched towards the village with his only possession, the fiddle.
After a while, he halted on a rickety bridge that led to a quaint village and played his fiddle.
“So delightful.” Nele heard a timid voice beneath the bridge.
“Who are you?” asked Nele.
“A troll,” came a reply.
“Do trolls exist?”
“I do. I don’t harm innocent people like the other trolls. They called me a disgrace. While they moved to the mountains, I chose to stay back in a dark cave beneath this bridge.” The troll’s innocent voice tugged at his heartstrings.
“Oh dear, little one! In a way we both are alike. Don't worry!
“And who are you?”
“Well! Just a boy with a fiddle.”
Nele narrated his entire story as the troll patiently listened. He then left promising to come every evening.
Nele settled down in a village. He worked in a tavern and entertained the guests with music. He came to the bridge every sunset as promised. Though the troll chose not to come out, they both talked and enjoyed each other's company. Nele played the fiddle until the stars lit up the ebony sky. Overtime their friendship blossomed.
One day Nele asked the troll, “Why don't you ever come out? We are thick friends now. Also, stay with me. I will convince the villagers.”
“Oh dear! Not sure if you’ll like my appearance,” said the troll.
“Please come, my friend. Your heart is beautiful.”
The earth rumbled. The rickety bridge shook. After a while, a huge, green, monstrous figure emerged. He had an ugly wart on his face and saucer-shaped eyes.
“You are the troll?! But my house is tiny!” said Nele, shocked by his size.
“Well! A hug is always the right size.”
Nele was moved and embraced the troll lovingly. The troll gently placed him on his palm.
The villagers were shocked upon witnessing them. They started cheering, “Nele, the hero”.
Meanwhile, King Renfred repented for his harsh behavior towards Nele and longed to see him. As the news about Nele and the troll reached him, he came and pleaded with Nele to return to the kingdom.
“Father! I’ll come but I shall never wield a sword. My actions will only heal the world. Also, the troll is not to be imprisoned,” declared Nele.
Nele's words of wisdom seeped through his heart. The king acceded to his demands. Nele returned with the troll by his side. Their true friendship was admired by all. None dared to wage a war against a kingdom with a resident troll. Benevolent Nele spread messages to heal humanity without ever having to wield a sword.