Break Free

Kirti V posted under PenMuse-34 Poetry on 2021-10-16

Asleep she was, in her world Beneath several layers, hidden Convincingly appealing to the eyes but Desperate to break free, Enough of answering to others Future looked very bleak though, Glistened like an oasis. Heralding the happiness in store. Inside she decided to set forth Journey for the quest of identity, Key for one's survival, indeed Least she knew, the world's judgement Many would only look down on her, Not letting her to carve a niche Oppositions everywhere will arise Pushing her to an uncertain future Queer she felt among them, Restless and impatient all the while Sleepless nights she had to spend Tossing and turning in desperation Ultimately, she had to decide Venturing into the real existence Watchful of every step that is ahead XX, the pair changing to XY. Yes! she did re-invent herself Zeal, as she became, he.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!