Broken Trust

Roohi Bhargava posted under PenMuse-54 Poetry on 2023-07-20

Life is passing by me, Time is flowing at pace, and I'm clueless, low pace, Testing the patience and courage in me, Leaving a broken heart & mistrusted soul, that's me, They start afresh with smile, Faking the pain beneath the joy, Treat me as toy, Change colours in flash, Take instant chance, They flash a smile and enjoy, The momentary joy of paradise. Looking around my soul, I find distance from them, Letting all the thoughts stream,  I'm left stunned at the harsh words for my soul, Astonished at their thoughts, that's not my real soul, Intaking all the pain, I smile, holding them close to heart,  having soft spot, nurturing with love, Take instant chance, Show them ire and enjoy,  the reality of real paradise.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!