Bucking Horse

Gopalakrishnan Prakash posted under PenMuse-37 Poetry on 2022-01-13

Hard do I try to control my mind, However, the reins I hold do slip Horse that gallops is my mind unkind,  Harnessing it, only do I lose my grip. Always I resort to many a mental trick Adapt myself to strictest discipline Analyze myself so a way I can pick Adroitly to subdue this species equine! Leverage myself to continue to be saddled Losing my hold, I’m tossed rudely to the ground! Like to clear my thoughts, but they're addled Light would I like to feel, but I am yet bound. Every attempt I make not to wander off Efforts to stay on the horse's bucking back Eventually end up as task finished half Egad! When will I get my freedom back!   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!