Can We Ever Have It All

Maneet Gulati posted under PenMuse-07 Poetry Villanelle on 2019-05-12

Far away, in a land so alien, as I dwell in my terrestrial nest With a labyrinth of thoughts, melancholic heartache, I mull at my gains Cakes and ale, I have them all, schleps along a nebulous unrest The mother, who birthed me, nurtured me, her entire life in me, did she invest Now pines to embrace me, anguished I am, by the thought of her absinthal pains Far away, in a land so alien, as I dwell in my terrestrial nest The father, who laboured, to provide for me, never halted to rest Longing to have a glimpse of me, spends the life that remains Cakes and ale, I have them all, schleps along a nebulous unrest Achieved I have, what I aspired for, reached the pinnacle of my quest Jubilant I should be, but imprisoned I feel in contrite's veiled chains Far away in a land so alien, as I dwell in my terrestrial nest Have I failed as their child, the dilemma weighs profoundly on my chest To run amok in my childhood home, dreams the blob of my ephemeral grains Cakes and ale, I have them all, schleps along a nebulous unrest But then, I tranquilize myself, for everything happens at destiny's behest Can we ever have it all, nay, to my heart, my intellect explains Far away in a land so alien, as I dwell in my terrestrial nest Cakes and ale, I have them all, shleps along a nebulous unrest _____________________________ For more of such content follow us on Social Media: