Celestial Rapture

The evening delved into a misty tryst An orange glow stemmed from the setting sun Leaves and flowers swayed in a trance basking in the crepuscular glow of twilight The azure vault looked ethereal and sublime As the starry sky threw an angelic look The gibbous smiled as it hid behind the cloak Bidding the tired eventide a cheery farewell The fragrant breeze spread aromatic whiffs Tugging at every heart string in ecstasy Harmonious rhapsody, the soul crooned My pneuma and nature were in symphony The mystique of the creations divine enrapturing the spirit in ebullient joy Silhouettes and shadows of merry hearts Entwined in seraphic, celestial embraces   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!