Cheekily Yours

Dear Husband Mine,
Remember the day we met for the first time?
When your feet dragged and reluctantly left my side?
You stumbled and missed a step in your stride!
Well, just so to clear the air of many misconceptions held,
I, unlike you had not at the first glance felled!
~ Though, of course, it happened the more we met ~
With so many goofy incidents coming to mind,
I am surprised that God had our union designed;
Seeing all the snafus you made over the years,
Our vehicle could have easily derailed instead of changing the gears!
To put it in your words, “We are not amused”,
This changing perception I must say, has me utterly bemused!
~Now our union is in its second decade~
Is it your cheeky sense of humour that did the trick?
Or is it the way you hold everyone dear that lighted the wick?
Your creed of ‘service before self’ I always did admire,
And hoped that our children would also towards that aspire!!
You are all that I ever wanted and more,
My only wish for the next life would be an encore!
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