Being an ardent admirer of the Bard, the title of this book definitely intrigued me. I’ve read almost all of Shakespeare’s works but never a simplified version as presented through this book by the author.
The idea of this book is a very good one as many dread to read Shakespeare’s plays coz of the complex language. This version is written in an easy language so readers can easily understand and enjoy reading the plays without having to crack the complex Shakespearean style of writing. Readers of all ages will surely appreciate this version and yet get the taste of the Bard’s words from the excerpts the author used at several places to highlight the acts and words of the characters. She did craft it thoughtfully to reach out to a greater number of readers and yet retained the essence of the original version.
In this book, the author chose ten of Shakespeare’s famous plays, presented them in a compact form without tampering with the characters or the plot. The graphics added value to the book, and so did the fun facts at the end. The design and cover graphics complimented the content, and I’m sure readers of all ages will enjoy reading these classic tales from Shakespeare but in a simplified form. One will not need to wait for expert help to understand the plays as this book has a lucid language, the narration and format is easy to grasp, with lots of information that was shared as brief notes for each story.
So, for all the readers out there who have been wanting to unravel Shakespeare’s work, here’s your chance to read his plays written in a simple form by Deepti Menon. If you’ve been wondering- To read or not to read, I say, grab this book and read coz this is your fine chance to experience and learn about Shakespeare’s plays without much effort. You’ll definitely enjoy the plays and thank the author for her wonderful work. Do remember to share a review to cheer and encourage the author.
Happy reading to all!