The sanguine rays of the Sun crept into the celestial kingdom. The surroundings shimmered in the growing pool of soft golden light that danced in wavy patterns to the tune of the light breeze in the pristine environment. The Angels floated around, absorbed in their daily duties which culminated in the holy worship of the Lord.
Azureil, a Seraphim, was a part of a divine gathering that sang praises of the Lord. Her multiple, pearly wings shed an opalescent light that reflected a halo over the Lord as she flew around Him.
“Praise the most gentle, divine benefactor of all. He who resides in a pure and devoted being. Praise the Good Lord……” Azureil crooned in her mellifluous voice. The Archangels, The Cherubim and other ‘host’ joined in the sanctimonious worship.
At the end of the worship, the Angels dispersed and the Heavenly Voice summoned Azureil.
“O most devoted Azureil! I am immensely pleased by your commitment to spreading the worthy word of worship and sanctity in my realm. I understand that you are the most sympathetic of all Angels. You shall travel to the world where beings in flesh and blood live and guide them to inculcate virtues of kindness and sympathy so that they engage in righteous services akin to Myself. May the tribe of good souls grow. Amen!”
Azureil felt a tremor of nervousness at this command. Being in the highest order of Angels, she hardly had any contact with human souls. She flew around, a stunningly ethereal form under the starry sphere, her wings glowing in the backdrop of vibrant hues that covered the heavenly spaces.
She could hardly define the moment when she faced Raphael, the Archangel, also known as the Healer. Since they never existed in any well-defined shape, she only felt his presence the time he flew alongside her and his rich, deep voice, “ O most beautiful of all! I hear that you have got the coveted task of travelling to the world of mortals and spreading your gift of sympathy.”
She hardly heard him as she soaked in his captivating aura and gazed at his large wings that glowed in rainbow colours. So vibrant! They seemed to take her petite being into their fold.
He is my protector. He is the one!
His radiance banished her nervousness. He spoke softly, “Azureil, let me travel with you. It’s a pleasure.”
“It’s….an honour. But only at the command of the Good Lord.” she suddenly remembered the rules though for the first time she wished they weren’t made.
“Of course! I have His permission. We are on a mission to create wonders with our divinity and transform the lives of many.” Their wings touched.
He exuded a sense of peace and calmness that filled her with tranquility. She knew that this first meeting, a chance encounter was a sign of a deeper, greater connection already built by the Lord. She now felt no task was daunting, with Raphael by her side. The celestial realm was her home in a true sense.
She flew down on cloud-like formations swiftly with Raphael in tow.
Disclaimer: With due respect to divinity, this is a fictitious story based on my Google search on Angels and the heavenly kingdom. It’s just my idea that cute love transcends mortals.
Archangels and Seraphim are among the highest order of Angels in Heaven.
Host- A collective noun for Angels.