Daphnis' Plea

Batool Idrish posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Poetry on 2024-08-14

Let your lament fill the vales, oh shepherd!

Beseech that screeching kite that brought her home 

Yesterday night. Daphnis’ eyes yearn 

For the sole sight of Chloe. Invoke Pan,

Lest he play his flute to call her back

From those Arcadian whispering 

Pines, where she lies alone. Let your song be

My plea to her, a plaintive number

From a love-lorn shepherd!  Ah dear Chloe

Where have you disappeared? Carry her, 

Tonight Hesper, in your arms, as you fetch

 Home trudging sheep. The day is without cheer. 

To my lays, harken, lest they become not

Morrow's dirge. O heavens prithee answer!