Delhi 2020

Bindu Sharma posted under Guest Posts Poetry on 2020-03-02

Here, in the chilly air of the morgue  where the sharp smell of formaldehyde cuts through the odour of blood  and the buzz of an overworked air conditioner drowns out the howls from without,  they are finally equal.  On cold concrete slabs they lie  men of similar age who prayed to dissimilar Gods in life,  lie equal in death.  Shot, stabbed, bludgeoned, it doesn't matter now  Sliced and sewn up after death  they lie in perfect harmony,  unseeing eyes behind lifeless lids stare  at the futility of it all,  amidst the wails of the living.  Which God won,  I don't know  Do you? _____ _____ Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!