Dignity of a Woman

Nisha Tandon posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Poetry on 2024-08-30

Why's life for women so unfair and unjust ? 

She's ogled at though she maybe fully draped 

And people's ire culprits have always escaped 

Why are glances at women flamed with extreme lust ? 


Is there someone on whom they can place their trust? 

How can future of humanity be shaped

When the child bearer's the one brutally raped ? 

Don't you think it is a matter of disgust?


Let's all ignite an immortal flame within 

To maintain sanctity and destroy each sin 


Together the pride of women let's reclaim

And preserving her dignity is the aim 


From the ashes allow the phoenix to rise 

Who’ll flap her craving wings to touch the skies