Neel Anil Panicker posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Poetry on 2024-08-31

Humanity aghast at what some have done

shorn of all dignity, violated to the core

beasts have ensured she is with us no more

forever stilled is she, was mere plaything for someone's idea of fun


Can all we do is light candles, and hang our heads in shame?

Is it the beginning of the end of all we hold pure and dear?

Are we so impotent to allow some scum to play his bestial game?

What else can we do, can anyone do--- aren’t these but mere excuses lame?



Enough of dharnas, of crying ourselves hoarse from roof tops,

midnight candle marches, police, courts, judiciary, evidences all---enough, enough, enough!

Time we grab the offendor, pull out a knife, castrate him

It's an action we shouldn't hesitate to take even for a fraction

For a change let’s play jury, judge and executioner

Send a message loud and clear: respect women, or be prepared to lose your mandhood