Why has God created different people, differently? Some with normal bodies and all comforts and some with a little less, and some with poor and insufficent facilities? There are children, adults and some elderly people with disabilities and non- functioning features. Some are heaing- impaired and unable to speak. Some have non- functioning limbs or hands. But that does not mean they are not wanted in our society? Is it the end of their life? Can there be a beginning for them?Yes of course, there can always be a beginning. Now we have sign language, we see Paralymic Sports conducted very well all over the world. There are schools to teach the disabled to function. Many are shining in sports, for example Archery. They are getting jobs and they live with pride. Many with their limbs, or hands and feet lost due to an accident are seeing a new beginning, and they are shining and getting awards and laurels. Some , using their feet, create paintings And last but not least artificial limbs, feet and hands have helped tremendousl to find a new beginning. Here are two real life examples. Sudha Chandran, a Bharath Natyam dancer. After a major accident, she suffered a serious injury. Sudha did not give up. Fitted with an artificial leg, famously known as" Jaipur Leg", she learned to dance again. She acted in a movie called " Mayuri" based on her life and won a National award for her role. Look at the way she is dancing now! Reena, a newly- wed partially blind girl, lovingly made some sweets. She was hesitantly waiting for the family's reaction. All just smiled after tasting it. She thought they liked it, but when she tasted it later, her eyes watered as it was salty instead of sugar. She had added salt instead of sugar! What a blunder! Her mother- in- law fondly told her," This is not the end, a new beginning is always round the corner." Recently, I have been lucky to meet special children with various diabilities. They were all here in our town Jamshedpur, for an Award function Sabal Awards, sponsered by the Tatas. I was fortunate to have witnessed them, and seen them perform. I talked to some mothers. They said, " At first we thought their lives have no meaning, but God has bestowed them with gifts to dance, sing and play the key- board. They are getting oppurtunities to perform on various platforms." It was sad to see children on wheelchairs, or being hearing impaired, but I was happy to see them managing themselves. Selfconfident children moving around, travelling, and so enthusiastic to perform! We as a human society should try to envourage them instead of admonishing them or discouraging them. All have a right to live life to the fullest. There is always scope for enriching lives, if one looks for it. Indeed: The end is just another beginning.