
A dark night with no dawn in sight
Backscattering of people
Cacophony in the silent night
Dreading displacement and fear gripping
Enormity of horror magnifying
Fraught with nightmares
Gloom overtakes brightness
Humiliation swallowed speechlessly
Insanity prevailing horrendously
Justice going off balance
Knocking out innocence
Leaving traumatic legacies in its wake
Mute witnesses to horrific sights
Nameless crowd hither thither
Obnoxious scenes all over
Pandemic of evil and treachery
Quagmire trapping people
Rushing for shelter hordes of helpless humans
Streets overflowing with dead and half dead
Trains filled with distraught populace
Unknown destination ahead
Wanton harassment and pillage
Xenophobia has triumphed
Zeroed on helpless displaced.
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