Dogged Days

Parul Prabhu posted under PenMuse-37 Poetry on 2022-01-20

Rugged roads ahead are daunting Rumbustious I can no longer be Reports and revisions are intimidating Ravaging my time, I'm on a mugging spree Uphill is my climb, steep is my task Upcoming exams with subjects nine Uber new! Is this fair, I ask! Ugh! I want to unwind and feel fine Plethora of awards I seek Pinnacle of success I must reach Painstaking schedules all week Practice visualisation, they preach Lollygagging is put on hold Lugubrious are days leading to June Labouring hard to strike gold Laurels await, then I'll dance to my tune.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!