Eat, Pray, Love

Divik Kandpal posted under Book Review on 2019-05-14

Had seen the excellent Julia Robert's movie based on this novel 2016 and maybe that was the reason never felt like reading this book. Finally, I got a chance to read it last month. At the outset, I would say it is 100 times better than the movie as it describes her journey in thorough detail and what emotions she really underwent. I think most of us would have already read it but for the benefit of the minority like me who have missed this masterpiece till now, I would say leave everything and grab it. It is the story of Elizabeth Gilbert, who after a bitter divorce and a failed love affair takes on this journey of Eat, Pray and Love to discover herself and do what she always wanted to do. The first part of this journey was Italy, where she tries to learn Italian and just eats her to her heart's content, makes friends, roams around freely for 4 months and then moves on to India in the Ashram of her guru where she follows the ashram regimen of meditation, singing bhajans and social work. After 4 months she moves to Bali in Indonesia, where an Old Medicine Man had told her two years ago that she will come back to stay with him for long. Here she meets her love. Well, the novel is wonderfully written and each phase of the journey itself makes you feel like you are an integral part of it. I would even say the philosophical words written in Pray part are one the best reads in the category and inspire you a lot. Overall, the book can be considered in the self-help and motivational category and such a journey is not only required when you are depressed but also when you are happy, successful and motivated. It is the journey to find balance, to really discover yourself and to be and do what you always wanted to do. Happy Reading! Buy the book here: