Echoes of Innocence

Urmi Chakravorty posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S2: Poetry on 2022-08-21

The child in me takes a chimerical flight To the days of yore, when the sun shone bright, When mirthful laughter echoed in the hillside, When stockings and hearts waited in hope in Yuletide, And nimble feet chased the fireflies at night! The Lord’s hand felt in every sound and sight, Picnics, fetes, Halloween masks…oh, what a delight! Bleary-eyed, I now watch the ebb of time and tide, Does the child in me rue its adult plight? Primeval fetters of caste, race, faith and might Sunder comrades apart for reasons trite; Cherubic hearts no more, but pools of hate and pride Where truth and innocence no longer reside; Where vengeful strifes outplace a puerile fight, Adulthood, the child in me screams, is quite a blight!!   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!