Emblem of Peace!

Poornima Sivaraman posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-49 on 2023-02-17

'Delicate wings of pure Love, Spreading joys and gentle smiles, They soar above mighty skies, As a messenger of peace and harmony - Dove!' I sat reminiscing my life pondering within, 'Has anyone thought about why the Lord created human beings in various forms? Their nature, appearances, attitudes... so different from others. Even in a family, each member is an individual, so different in looks; unique in nature. While one is jealous, another angry, a third one has a soft heart; someone like me. A peacemaker whenever differences occur,' I chuckled. Then my thoughts drifted back to my dearest maternal grandmother. Clearly mutations and genes are transferred to generations inheriting part of the looks, traits and... in my case, the soft heartedness, love, seeker of peace and harmony always.  I was popular for my loving heart, endearing myself to all; I easily melted upon seeing others in pain and tried to understand their point of view. If ever misunderstandings occurred, my siblings scrawled up to me to seek my opinion and settle the matter. I was tagged 'The Peacemaker' by family members. Even distant cousins and other family members knew my sober nature of handling things with great care. By The Divine blessings, most matters were resolved in an amicable manner. Similarly, when it came to friends at the complex or school, things were no different. "Oh! Poornima can sort this misunderstanding, just call her," friends often called. As a child, I was nourished and cared for by my maternal grandmother. My sub-conscience probably always adored and admired her. She's still my role model; long after she has left the realms of this planet to be in a better place. Her calm demeanour was felt in her mere presence; one would never feel the need to create a ruckus when she was around. I knew my family acknowledged that humble trait within me too as they used to casually say, "Ponni has inherited her paati's traits." I felt so comfortable with children or adults that people from all age groups, even strangers, youngsters, elderly found it soothing and comforting to confront me. I have never held grudges nor felt offended by people's opinions, words or behaviour. My soft and kind heart easily connected me to many and I ended up landing a job as a kindergarten teacher.  Post retirement, when loneliness crept in, I found solace in writing. Writing was not just cathartic, it also helped me find and connect with new friends who made me feel better and brighter. My smile, the calmness descending upon my features and soft nature led random writers and participants connecting with me deeply. My comments felt like an anointed balm upon their aching souls.  Today, I feel humbled to share my warmth and spread the love to bring a sense of unity that garners a sparkling smile upon faces. I truly feel like The 'DOVE'— pure and pristine. I seek to fly and reach out to your hearts filling it with LOVE and PEACE. Glossary: Paati- Tamil for Grandma   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!