Equal Lives

Moumita Dutta posted under Guest Posts Poetry on 2020-10-04

Walking down the road one day,  I saw a group of kids at play. Merry and gay they seemed,  As of their faces, they beamed. Their clothes were torn and full of dust,  A sight that made me feel disgust. I paused and stood watching them from far,  As I did not want to go near. Looking up at the sky that moment,  I prayed to god for a second. Wondering of the imbalance,  I searched  for some resemblance. Not that they had all they wanted, yet, Happiness was the thing they confronted. The noise and the crowd failed to distract them,  As they played their game like some professional gem. Fame was something they knew not of  And hunger was the thing they were afraid of. I envied them, for they seemed contended  Though their life was not as intended. No super human I was, yet, Looking at them made me feel worse. Ashamed I felt of my own entity,  Angry I was and went on mutiny. I decided  to do my part  And shared my idea with few of the smart. We geared up to gather some essentials And distributed the same to those uncared millennials. It was not the end of  the war, for,  The dream to see equal lives is still very far