Eternal Love

Rohini Jayanti posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-31 on 2021-06-10

Everything around her seemed fresh, like the first page of a new book. A live chorus of bird songs had awakened Nadine’s mind, as she started unwinding it and letting the thoughts of her past flow. Those thoughts, where his smile caught her just like a beautiful wildflower blooming in the midst, where his mischievous, teasing, lustful eyes, aroused her feelings when he had his arms wrapped around hers. A promise of reality was connected within, and in that embrace, the world paused on its axis and time collapsed into a single speck, where his gentle looks reoriented her face as she fell into a heady trance of passion. ‘Brian,' she muttered, opening her eyes as snowflakes pricked her cheeks. There was absolute silence all around. After many years of grey, where she missed herself in solitude, she stood on the top of the hill in a white bridal gown, holding a bouquet of roses, at the same spot where their hearts once embraced. The wiry grey strands of her hair swirled gently with the lotus-scented wind. Brian voice lingered in the air in the hills on the far side of the valley. Every piece of stone spoke about their love, a euphoric sensation with emotions pure and true and there was magic in the air, filled with the fragrance of love. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she sat by the side of a rock where their names were engraved. 'It's been twenty years since you left me, and every day I remind myself that it's not that long.'We don't have a schism because I believe our love is eternal. We walked together, holding memories made by each other. I understood that you had to go, but I missed you more than you knew. Your presence is felt in every ray of the sun that warms me and your voice is heard in every beat of my heart that captivates me. Since the day you pursed my lips and they resembled one last affectionate kiss, I've been your beloved forever. Though I live with shattered dreams and lost hopes, the sheer glorious intensity of our love makes me reminisce about the time I spent with you and keeps me emotionally afloat. I take these emotions with me to protect the shattered pieces that remain. My beauty has faded with my age, but my heart still yearns for you and so here I wait in a white bridal gown holding a bunch of roses for you.’ The stillness of her soul was in its best form at that moment, just as a feather will, in its own sweet time, be at rest upon the earth. She awaited that moment of complete liberation of the soul when hope beaded her skin like dew on fresh grass, creating a tiny world of its own, and she started to enjoy the bliss in those moments of sanity. Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!