Eternal Love

Kirti V posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S2: Poetry on 2022-08-30

Different religions they did belong, To be together they did always long, Warmth and feelings they had all along, And sang a melodious love song. Love, indeed soothing and blissful. Archaic, was the era they lived in, With religious beliefs engraved in skin. Their love, though pious was considered a sin, By the young and old, man and woman, akin. Separation was indeed painful. Taunts were ignored as they did atlast elope,  Alas, nature's fury, the poor man couldn't cope. All their dreams were hung in thin rope, And she lived, alone but with hope. Love, adventurous and eternal. Author Note: This poem is loosely based on a true story. Kanchanamala and Moideen were in love with each other. They weren’t allowed to meet due to the religious sentiments and finally they decide to elope. Moideen dies in a boat mishap due to rains. Kanchanamala lived on as his unmarried girlfriend. It is said that she is alive even now. The movie Ennu Ninte Moideeen is based on this story.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!