Every Story Has a Story

Sonali Bhatnagar posted under PenMuse-11 Poetry on 2019-09-22

When the King, Robert the Bruce
Lay on the cave floor dejected
I sent the spider his way
To teach the world the lesson
Keep trying until you succeed.

When the boastful haughty hare
Was challenged by the tortoise
I conspired to make him sleep
Determination can make 
Even the slow and steady win.

When the mighty powerful lion
Was roused by the little mouse
I showed that small is not meek
By trapping the lion in hunter’s net
Which was gnawed by the mouse.

When the flying crow grew thirsty
And he could see water in a jug
I placed the pebbles around
To make him think hard and act
Problem comes with a solution.

When the grasshopper made music
While the ants toiled hard
I turned around the seasons
And regretted the grasshopper 
Save some for the rainy days.

Curious to know who am I?
I am the writer’s creativity
I am the pen mightier than the sword
I am the enlightenment that you need
I am your forgotten moral stories.

Simple lessons from the childhood
We tend to forget too soon
Make mountain of a molehill
In times of distressing situation
Keep the lessons locked in books.

Spin your web to success like the spider
Be persistent and not overweening
Do not undermine your strengths like the mouse
Find a solution to your problems
Enjoy today , prepare for the future.
