Excess of Everything is Bad

12 months ago
Zonal debate competitions were in full swing and zealous students were proposing their names.
When Nishi entered the staff room, her class teacher asked, "Nishi, you have submitted your name for both Hindi and English debate competitions? Won't you get exhausted preparing for both along with your mid-terms?"
"Please, trust me, ma'am. I won't let you down. I will put in my best efforts", she pleaded and the teacher gave in to her request.
She won both competitions, bringing accolades to the school. And, as usual, she stood first in her class.
She was an all-rounder, always first, whether it be in academics, sports or co-curricular activities. She was the perfect amalgam of beauty and brain.
8 months ago
The Principal called her to the office and notified her that she had been unanimously cherry-picked by all the teachers and students of the current Student Council to be the next Head Girl.
7 months ago
The school was adorned with pennants, streamers, garlands, artificial flowers, balloons and lighting for the grand Investiture Ceremony, which was held once every two years.
Parents had started pouring in. Nishi's proud parents sat in the second row reserved for the parents of students who were becoming members of the STUDENT COUNCIL.
When the previous HEAD GIRL handed over her batch to NISHI, her parents had tears of pride and adulation in their eyes. Nishi had worked hard to earn this post and respect. Her teachers showered her with love, respect and admiration. She was on cloud nine.
5 months ago
"Don't even think of participating in the dance competition because I am participating and everybody knows - when I participate, I win", Nishi boasted in her dance class when sir announced the annual inter-school dance competition.
She was so confident that she didn't prepare for the dance competition and lost the competition. The girl who had never tasted even the second position got no position. It was a major setback for her.
The Head Girl post and the adulation from teachers and friends went on her head. She looked at other kids with disdain and opprobrium.
Her metamorphosis from a confident girl to an overconfident, self-centred and condescending girl laid the foundation for her doom.
Her demeanour alienated her from other students. Her complacency and self-obsession worked to pull her down.
Her academic performance too got affected. Teachers started whining about her sloppy attitude in executing her duties. The girl who was the apple of every teacher's eye became an eyesore. The girl who was every girl's envy and every boy's crush became a subject of caricature.
One month ago
Instead of mending her ways, instead of winning back the lost respect, she let everything slip from her hands in the name of her false vanity. The school was compelled to fire her from the post of Head Girl in mid-tenure.
Current scenario
Unable to withstand the humiliation, she slit her wrist and met a tragic end.
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