Fall To Rise

Moumita Dutta posted under PenMuse-57 Poetry on 2023-11-21

Once upon a bright Spring morn In the cradle of a bud, I was born, Snug against a bough, I waited to unfurl  Into a vibrant green folio, from the whorl, I bloomed wholly in Lent’s embrace My looks, even Summer couldn’t deface; ~ I was a thing of beauty to behold But, as the days waltzed into the arms of fall A transformation gripped me, a condition fatal, My chlorophyll dreams shattered like seeds ripe When autumns brush painted me in hues bright, Tainted in auburn, I fluttered in the breeze While the passersby’s paused to click Selfies; ~ For, I was a thing of beauty to behold  Until, like a premature fruit, I fell from high Only to kiss the soil with an exasperated sigh, But then, Earth whispered- ‘tis not to unnerve  For, even a fallen soul, has a purpose to serve, Now, ‘twas my turn to contribute to the ecosystem With fall I rose, to be the pride of my plant kingdom.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!