Fateful Kiss

Batool Idrish posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Poetry on 2024-08-14

To his death no shepherd sings! Hoary flakes 

Dust Baldr’s body. Whilst Frigg weeps

At the mistletoe arrow’s kiss that paled

His life, bled his being to the last drop.

See oh Shepherdess that bloody berry

Under which we steal a kiss, and vow

After winter solstice, to pay homage

To Frigg's son, Baldr, the beautiful,

As did the Gods in the Nine Worlds.

Bathsheba, blush not at that fateful kiss

When Gabriel will unite with his bride

Amidst the joyous peals of Xmas bells,

And a thousand snowy heads tinkling,

Joyous at their young Shepherd’s wedding.