Feather of Love

Srividya Subramanian posted under PenMuse-57 Poetry on 2023-11-15

The harsh winds carried my shy, sun-kissed love Across the tide-swept turbulent waters. I could see the light of my life sparkle, then disappear, Into the night sky that spread out a platter. The silver-grey screen above was just a teary blur Till a descending flash caused my heart to flutter. ~ A fragrant feather rested itself on me~ My heart skipped a beat as I clutched it lightly, Never to crush nor let go of this God-sent gift. It brushed against my face in its sprightly dance Like my lover’s caress before the rift. My sobs of agony now erupt as smile at the truth, True love finds you from heaven, though gone adrift. ~ It lies buried in the silent nook within me~ A lover undemanding, flexible at every stance, Never upset if I should ever ignore Destiny’s play in finding me a soulmate, A faithful balm that eases every sore. I guess I found the love that never disappeared, The constant companion which harsh winds never tore.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!