
It’s the season of merriment and jubilation, where the world comes alive in a wondrous tapestry of celebrations. Why not join in the global gala? We present a delightful avenue to revel in the festivities from every corner of the globe, a joyous and harmonious tribute to the diversity of our world’s celebrations. Let the festivities unite us in this shared happiness.

This month, set your story during a festival from anywhere in the world and make the theme and ideology behind the festival central to your story. In the notes please mention the name of the festival and the country of its origin. 


  1. The submitted story must be between 2500-4500 words (each). Entries lower than or exceeding the word limit will stand disqualified for the event. (Penmancy Tip: Use https://wordcounter.io/ to check your word count.)
  2. There is no limit to the number of entries you may submit- though only the first one of them will be eligible for the contest.
  3. Previously published or plagiarised works will not be considered for contention. The writer of such content stands to be disqualified for the next Penmancy event.
  4. Stories found to have been shared on another writing platform or blog before the declaration of results stand disqualified from the event. Kindly check the Terms of Use for details.
  5. In case a story is received after the submission deadline, it shall be considered as a guest entry and shall not qualify for the contest.

Winning criteria:

Top three winners will receive a copy of ‘The Himadripuram Adventure’ by Sitharaam Jayakumar.

Below are the submissions