First Rain

Mitalee Naik posted under PenMuse-05 Poetry on 2019-03-08

They come down in droves In mere minutes we are drenched The drums come later Deafening, and announcing "Hear ye all! there's more there's more". They are not mere rains But the rewards we deserve From seeds we have sown So, don't count the drops my friend Count our deeds the year before A reward or curse That's yet to be seen and felt For now, just thank them They've come for you, me and us For once, let's be a good host. They want for nothing Neutral, unconditional They fall. We must rise, Ensure, they don't fall in vain And keep coming every year Look! there are lights too! FLASH, BOOM, Croak, Pitter-Patter The show has started Get your cameras people! Let's 'say cheese' to the first rain! __________________________ For more of such content follow us on Social Media: