Five-to-Nine Switch

Aradhna Malhotra posted under Flash Fiction Nine Tales on 2020-10-24

Bag an MBA from a reputed college, wriggle into a six-figure salary job and then just stay afloat the corporate muck. Those were the golden rules passed down for survival in the work life.  I was told to expect marshy office politics. However, the mantra was to stay afloat in the nine-to-five office rut. Holding tight, I commenced my professional life. What the ….? Nine-to-five crap! No one ever told me that with a fleshy salary with carefully stacked zeros, there was nothing called the ‘sign off time.’ Work seamlessly followed me wherever I went. The creepy maggot crawled from my table to the phone in the car, to the lunch table and the wretched invader even seized my private space in the washroom.  Where was ‘Me Time’? I lamented. I had had enough! I was ready to nose dive into the unknown. Anything, but this routine. I plunged down the cliff of sabbatical. Oh man! What a liberating fall it was. I rewound my life. Yoga, meditation and health magically added hours and joys to my day. Surprised? Wait till you experience it!  Just like work, these habits are addictive too. They forced me to join the Five-AM club and viola! Now my life was running five-to-nine.  Sure, you will say, that should have upset me even more! Well now comes the enlightenment, my friend.  Yoga and meditation are strict task masters who re-engineered my life and turned a complaining, ever tired office-goer in me into a spirited seeker, learner and achiever. The unlocked energy revealed new dimensions.  I urge all nine-to-five goers to switch to their five-to-nine avatars.  After all, don't they say it is all about the alignment of numbers that makes a zero a hero. 
