Floating Wisdom

Amisha Shah posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-27 on 2021-02-19

‘When will you go from here? I am tired of you.’ ‘Even I am not enjoying being here since such a long time, I think we both now have to co-exist together. I don’t know why but I am not able to perish nor adapt.’ ‘You and your filthy tribe is just multiplying at a rapid rate. One day my character will be completely disfigured because of you. You are not only damaging me but my clan too without whom I cannot exist.  What is my mistake in this? These Homo sapiens love me so much that they just can’t stay without me. Adding to the melancholy, they just don’t know the proper methods to flush me out from their life. The dependability on each other is so much that now the thought of separation is also scary.   We have formed a beautiful circle of life. They make me with all love and care at their passionate work places and sell me in bunches. They craft me in different colors and all possible shapes. There is not one single place on this blue planet where you will not find me. Stop being superficial and come to ground realities!! They can once for all survive without you, but how are they going to survive without me? I form 70% of their body.  The blood which is gushing through them is composed of me. If not at every second but at least they have to consume me hourly.  A day without me, their own existence will be wiped off on this same blue planet.  Maybe you are right. But what should I do? Their catastrophic activities will make them suffer one day.  No that’s not the matter. Look, I see those kind hearted human beings coming. I just love them and bless them with all my strength and will power. They are the ones who are going to separate us forever. Today they may be few, calling themselves environmentalists, but I believe one day this community will flourish and they will stop and if not stop, at least will reduce your creation. Why do you want me to die? That too forever? The problem is not you dear. The problem is your entry everywhere and no willingness to exit from the areas where you are not needed. If only men would understand that I am not just a vast body of blue liquid but I am needed for survival of all inhabitants of earth, then maybe we can co-exist together without staying together. But this is for sure you cannot make me your habitat. I am happy finally these people with their huge machines have come and I just hope they are able to remove each and every of your kin from my body. Then I will healthy and fit for survival after so many years of being filthy. I will be back to pearl blue color seeing which the fishes and crabs will love and come back to me forever. 


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