Rinku Buddhia posted under Flash Fiction Guest Posts Quintale-17 on 2020-03-31

Virtue has a veil , vice a mask-  Victor Hugo  “So guys you have exactly one month to come up with ideas and you know how important this project is both for you and this organization as you know the one who comes up with scintillating idea will be promoted and will be awarded as employee of the month.” Both Prateek and Navyug were friends as well as competitors. They sinked in their teeth for the project both were seasoned professionals. They left no stones unturned from wheedling their boss to doing overtime they wanted a promotion by hook or by crook they even skipped the weekend parties with their fellow colleagues to work on the project. Navyug was the good guy whereas Prateek was sly by nature.   ***  The deadline was about to approach and just then Prateek asked Navyug if they could have drinks at Navyug’s place. Navyug readily agreed, after Navyug became besotted Prateek striked while the iron was hot and started searching for file in which the information of the project was available and found it and left Navyug in the intoxicated state and then it was the day of presentation.  ***  Everyone had to present their ideas and the one who’s idea is liked by all will be selected for the opportunity. Prateek was in the Phantasm that Navyug's pipe dream will never turn into reality but contrary to his  belief Navyug was selected to be promoted and be employee of the month. Prateek was gob smacked but still did not pretend and went ahead to congratulate Navyug and in moment of epiphany Navyug explained Prateek “you booger brain, I was well aware about your contrived behaviour towards me you betrayer, I abhor you, you tried to stab me from the back I already ployed a plan against you as I sensed something wrong might happen as I am well aware about your nature, your dedication and passion about your work. So I had already prepared a better presentation than yours and kept it secure in a safe and I felt just before the day you might do something so I got my things ready.” “I am sorry Navyug I don’t how I got caught into the rat race and got involved into it so much that our friendship was lost behind somewhere from my side ,in the competition to get ahead  I became a fiend and less of a friend.” “Look Prateek in this race of life we should not get so lost into it, so much that it costs friendship a priceless possession. Now enough of this oldies talk but today we will party at your place due to my promotion with office mates.” _______________________ Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!