Friend in Need

Rukmini took her morning tea. She opened her diary to write her morning thought.”Life is much better when we have others to spend it with. Good friendships are rare these days. People have become so busy with work, family and the hustle and bustle of life kept them away to find people that have things in common with. Life is partly what we make it and partly what is made by friends we choose.”
She put her pen down and read what she has written.
She stopped at the word “friends”. She felt sad. She had lost her best friend 2 years ago. He succumbed to a massive stroke. The best neurologist of the city failed to revive him.Her life partner, her best companion is no more.
Children had come home on January.They left to their respective places on mid February.
By March the the corona virus had already created a pandemonium in European countries. So our government took the measure of lock down to contain the spread of the deadly virus.
From end of March lock down started for the pandemic.The entire country came to a standstill. People were confided inside their homes.
Rukmini remained stuck in her home. The house keeper in the out house did the domestic chores keeping distance from her. The loneliness was heavy on her. No family members was with her. Visits of friends had stopped. Except on phone there was nobody physically to talk to. The solitude was unbearable. Like others she too lived in the virtual world.
As society became withdrawn, the TV was there for as a source of trusted information and much needed distraction. When real interactions were unavailable, she started spending time with characters on the screen. Her smart TV came to her rescue during the difficult time. The unprecedented situation made her to develop a relationship with an inanimate thing.
In the morning she did yoga with the yoga guru on TV. Forenoons were spent listening to spiritual discourses. In the afternoons she watched movies. Her children were recommending good movies and series on Netflix, Amazon prime and Disney hot star. At least their mother should enjoy some quality stuff. They tried their best to engage her at the safest place, that is home.
Gradually unlocks were started.Her daughter said over phone, ”Ma please don’t go outside. Stay within your bubble. It is dangerous for people above 65 to move around.” It was the advise from everyone, the family doctor, siblings and friends.
It’s been six months now. Rukmini is inside her cosy home with her new found Friend, her TV. Each morning she wipes the screen with a satin cloth. She has put a beautiful vase with choicest flowers from her garden arranged by her.
Her closeness with her friend seems a better occupation than thinking about the bad phase going on. She may be just another watcher for the TV, but her friend in need, her TV is her world now-a-days.
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