Friend Request

“Wow” she whistled to herself! “Where did Gauri get him? Hunk!”
Pictures flaunted on Instagram were for grabbing eye balls, as much as for sharing the truth, yet Lovey felt a pang … like a little girl wanting Candyfloss when she sees it.
The wee hours caught her scrolling back to Gauri’s post. The tag declared it was Rohit Verma. He looked desirable.Still. So she sent him a friend request. What the hell it is the 21st century. And the month of February.
“Who is that guy with you, Gauri?” She could not prevent the question tumbling out nor hide her excitement.The girls were having coffee at their favourite haunt. Lovey was pointing to the Instagram pic.
“Ah ha! So our Ms Cool has finally been bowled over, is it?”
“Nah! Just curious- who is my dear friend's boyfriend?”
“Its Rohit Verma, my classmate from Design school. This is from a photo shoot assignment. Its good na?” laughed Gauri.
“You both look absolutely divine. His ex will surely be repenting, when she trolls him.”
“ Hey, we are not together. Definitely he has the looks… but he bores me to tears with all his stories, which is repeated at least twice. Definitely not my type.”
The expression of relief on Lovey’s face was nothing compared to the cartwheels in her head.
“Hey! I have been looking all over for you Gauri!” drawled a rich baritone. The huskiness, the scent of pine woods, drew Lovey to its owner. He looked even better in person, was the first thought in her over cluttered mind.
She held out her hand, “Hi! I’m Lovey!”
“Hello Lovey! I am Rohit Verma!” he said while giving her hand a polite but firm shake. He didn’t laugh, nor comment like many others.
“Coffee?” asked Gauri. “We are having your favourite, Cappuccino, with hazlenut syrup!”
“No!” rang out the husky baritone in urgency.
There was a ping, and everyone quickly checked their notifications.
Looking up, a smile lurking in the depths of those deep black eyes, he smiled broadly, “Of course I want to be friends with you Ms lovely Lovey!”
Gauri, perplexed looked from one to the other and shouted, “Can someone tell me what’s going on?”
“Your friend, is my friend Luv,” drawled Rohit.
“Not your Luv, honey!” was the sardonic reply, followed by wry laughter.
“Gauri, we have to submit our portfolio right now to “The Shark” else she will live up to her name and devour us.” said he as he pulled her up, laughing.
Their banter lingered on long after, as did the rippling laughter.
The coffee went from hot, to cold. Lovey was oblivious. Though her laptop was in front of her and she seemed to be looking at the screen, her mind was elsewhere.
“ Excuse me!” coughed a husky baritone, “I forgot my phone.” She jumped up with a start.
“May I have that coffee with you?” said he, eyes twinkling with approval.