
Vishwanathan Iyer posted under PenMuse-38 Poetry on 2022-02-19

Diving-deep into the memories as I reminisce the past I find it tough to pin-point the day this journey began  Effortlessly you entered in my heart reserving a perpetual dwelling Countless themes and issues under the sun we discussed Thousand inferences drawn respecting each others’ perceptive Funny at times, sometimes intense enough to bring a drop of tear Those tears cemented the twin-tower of trust we built Both recognized each other’s unconditional support forever Millions of hours spent in silence with a cup of tea moistening our palms Those warm vapors perhaps thawed our frozen ego Work schedule got hectic, professional commitment amplified It took a few moments of rendezvous to reinstate our confidence A realisation dawned, distance and time couldn’t weaken our connect One of the chambers of my heart has your permanent residence One solitary moment that will stand out with me throughout   The day when I lost my dearest, your presence offered solace  During tough times, secretly kept sacrifices defined our buoyancy All credits to you for being “Friendophilia” of my life’s dictionary   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!