Ganges Through My Eyes

I sat where it is birthed, the mighty Ganges
As it spews forth from the mountain ranges
The waters were white & crystal clear,
After being released from mother Earth’s lair.
The vista was surreal, with scenic hue changes.
The river sprang forth in splendorous form
Breaking many an age old norm
It danced and pranced on pebbles and stone
As it gushed forth from its home
For now on Earth’s bosom, it was free to roam.
There were butterflies flitting about near
Where the banks had been eroded by wear
The deer came to drink, slake their thirst
And others did to, jostling to be first
This spot, after all to many, was quite dear.
The stream gained volume and grew thunderous
It was a sight to behold, most wondrous
I sat and watched this magical play of nature
For I am just God’s mere creature.
Sitting by the bank enjoying a sight splendorous
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