
“Can I have one please?”, I begged my dad and mom.
They said the thing that parents usually say to this question.
“No!” they said, just as predicted, You will get distracted from your schoolwork! I was ten.
I wasn’t having any of it, I was tired of the answer “No”. I went on google, and searched up “How to make your parents buy you anything” The results were to sulk around all day until they feel bad for you. The walls were soon plastered with pictures of the console, with papers saying things like, “I’ll only play for a day a week!” I did extra chores, and I behaved extra well. During conversations, I popped things like “Only the switch has that educational game that brings kids grades up 50%.” You can see where this is going. My birthday arrived, and I opened the box and there it was, in it’s amazing colors, and awesome games. The nintendo switch! I got some junk food, and sports stuff as well. I love playing sports, but the things never got used. I played on my nintendo switch day after day, I even snuck it in at night sometimes. My parents never found out. Or I thought they didn’t.
I woke up one day to find the charred remains of my Nintendo. Is this the extent my parents would go? I will never forget that dark moment, the saddest day of my life. Nintendo had so much potential, and opportunities. After all there was this new game coming out. My nintendo switch, all gone.
“MOMMY AND DADDY, DID YOU DO THIS?” I screamed in desperation.
“We were fed up with you playing games all day.” They replied sternly. ”Your grades have dropped rapidly. This is unacceptable. You said that you would only play a day a week.”
I did not have an answer, and said nothing.
“You have lied, and will not get anything for Christmas.” They continued.
I was heartbroken, but I thought that if I am good, they will revoke their decision. I knew that asking them now would be futile. My grades were back to A’s, I did extra chores, and behaved as well as I possibly could. I woke up on Christmas morning to find my stocking stuffed. My hard work had paid off! I emptied it out, and 10 big black lumps fell out. I could not believe my eyes. I had gotten coal for Christmas. My mom came out of the dining room with a camera in hand, laughing. I did not understand. I burst out crying. Through my tears I saw the bundle of gifts behind the couch. I was so happy, I could scream!
“We have seen that you have learned your lesson.” She said.
“I have,” I solemnly replied.
“We decided to give you gifts anyway, but thought it would be good to give you a little prank.” She laughed.
I learned that if you tell the truth, you will be rewarded.
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