Girls Are Coming Out of the Woods

Kajal Kapur posted under Book Review on 2023-02-16

This collection of poems by Tishani Doshi is truly magnificent, and I find myself constantly drawn to its powerful themes and thought-provoking questions. Doshi delves into the complexities of mortality, violence, patriarchy, identity, love, loss, and more with an uncommon sensitivity and poetic beauty that leaves a lasting impression. I have read and re-read these poems, and some have even become a part of me, lodged deep in my memory because they are so haunting and difficult to forget. One of the most striking aspects of this collection is the way it gives voice to suppressed emotions, particularly those surrounding the atrocities and violence directed towards women. Here's an excerpt from the poem Abandon- There must be a word for the walk home at night. Your belongings in two bags, feet in mud. For a family thinking they will return. Maybe the house still stands. Maybe the sea. The dead leave no clues about what lies beyond. We call it eternal. We call it now. In the title poem, Doshi channels a raw and potent rage that not only exposes the horror of such violence but also offers a sense of hope that it can be overcome. The girls in the woods are not alone, and the poem suggests that with collective action and solidarity, they can emerge victorious. This message of empowerment is particularly relevant today, given the current social and political climate we find ourselves in. Here's an excerpt- Girls are coming out of the woods the way birds arrive at morning windows- peeking and humming, until all you can hear is the smash of their minuscule hearts against glass, the bright desperation of sound- bashing, disappearing. I would highly recommend this collection of poems to anyone looking for a bold and empowering voice that speaks truth to power. What makes this collection truly special is its ability to evoke a sense of home and belonging within its verses. The words have a way of resonating with readers, drawing them in and making them feel seen and understood. It's a rare gift to have a book that can offer such comfort and solace, and this collection of poems does just that. Tishani Doshi's work is a testament to the enduring power of poetry to illuminate the darkest corners of the human experience and offer hope in even the bleakest of circumstances. ~*~ Grab your copy here: