God conversed with me!

Girija Prakash posted under PenMuse-17 Poetry on 2020-03-15

Nobody believes me or my words .  But I had conversations with the Almighty. Lord! Why there is so much of chaos in the world? My child, all calamities are man made. But why don't you do something about it? Dearest! The whole universe is my creation. Yet, I never interfere in it's affairs.  But you turned a blind eye towards calamities?  After creating, I have given you free will.  This my child, gives you freedom to do anything.  But my Lord, we are ignorant fools.  We know not the repercussions of our actions.  Adorable one! You can  pray for my guidance.  Sometimes our prayers become futile.  That's because they are superficial ones.  Earnest requests are never ever ignored dear.  Sometimes culprits go scot-free, innocents suffer.  But on judgment day, I will spare none.  The guilty will burn in hell  And the innocents will be received in heaven.  ______


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