
I looked at you with apprehension,
You smiled and with gesture of your hand,
beckoned me to sit beside you.
An instant bond we formed on first day at school,
Fresh and pure as a dew drop,
Magic happened, doors of heaven opened.
~ A blessing from above, a friend I got ~
Crazy times we spent together,
Days of gay abandon, full of mirth,
Our hopes and aspirations, fears and dreams,
Joys and sorrows of those growing up years,
Nothing was a secret, we shared everything,
Inseparable friends we became, peas of a pod.
~ Hundreds of pleasant memories we made. ~
Magical, priceless, antiques of my heart they are,
Memories of those fun filled times,
Titillating my emotions, creating ripples,
Raising my morale in innumerable ways,
Filling my heart with warmth and gratitude,
Like raindrops falling on barren land.
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