Happy Endings

Kajal Kapur posted under Book Review on 2023-06-29

The romantic novel "Happy Endings" by Minita Sanghvi embodies all the quintessential features of its genre. It gracefully captures the intricacies of a love story, tracing the evolution and expression of affection that spans a lifetime, infused with delicate emotions and sentiments. The book is a captivating tale that centres around Krish (Krishi) and Mahi (Mahek Singh). From their shared childhood, they navigated the journey of young love, only to part ways later on. After a decade apart, their paths unexpectedly converge once again during a 14-hour flight to India, where they find themselves seated beside each other. As old memories resurface, the question arises: will they reconcile or choose different paths? To discover that you'd have to go through the book. Author Minita skillfully guides readers through a roller-coaster of emotions, enveloping us not only in the lives of the protagonists but also allowing us to connect with the characters themselves. Each page turn unveils a plethora of emotions, from intense romance and the exhilaration of teenage love to the captivating world of Bollywood drama and vibrant party culture. Within the pages of "Happy Endings," the essence of Indian love stories is expertly captured, incorporating Hindi words, Bollywood references, and the influence of directors, actors, writers, and the media. This deliberate choice of narrative style kept me thoroughly engaged until the very end, immersing me in a world that feels familiar and relatable. Spanning over 300 pages, "Happy Endings" encompasses a range of essential elements, from an engaging cast of characters to nods to both Bollywood classics and renowned works of literature. Intermingling lyrics from the legendary Raj Kapoor's songs, the novel leaves a lasting impression, evoking a profound sense of romance that lingers within the hearts of its characters. Embark on this literary journey to witness the complexity of lesbian love, explore the depth of human emotions, and indulge in the excitement of a narrative interwoven with elements that will keep one intrigued until the very end. ~*~ Get your copy here: